Wednesday, 27 March 2013

It's the day...

OMG!!! I'm a year older today...
Greeted by fellow classmates with a birthday song (about to cry, but managed to cover hehe)


Today's class is at Menara SAAS... so, I had to climb up to Level 9 because I can't bothered to wait and be pushed inside the lift.  It's a good exercise though, 


by the time u get to level 9, trust me, you'll be sweating like mad, hehe

However, I'm glad to say that today's class is a leisure. Not much lecturing been going. The first class was merely a lecture, just a small discussion among the group members on our 2nd assignment. It was fun because we get to design a flyer and a brochure for our 'imaginary' company.

The second class, on the other hand, is a no-lecture class. Instead, we did some kind of a test (again) on main concepts of pragmatics. I guess there will never be an end to this test (right?????)

Any how, the class has ended early and as usual, today (Thursday) is the blogging day, so we had to stay and update our blog (I'm doing right now.. haha)

That pretty much it then.

p/s: going out to celebrate with my dear classmates (a.k.a 2nd family) before I'm off to Kedah to meet my family

Until then, meet again tomorrow for another update (and throughout the whole semester)


An ordinary girl

What a day .....

To be honest, today is THE most tiring day ever... though the class end at 2, yet I still have to stick around UiTM.. 

Let me do a chronology for this (just to cut short, coz I'm too tired to type)

8:30am - 12:30pm : Class Dr.O (wasn't paying much attention in the class, too sleepy hehe)

12:30pm : Walked from APB to Business school for management class (imagine how much calories I've burnt with all the walking and climbing up to Business school)

2:00pm : The class end, went to get our lunch (at AHLAA cafe, had mac & cheese with lemon ice tea)

3:30pm: Recieved a call from Farris inviting 2 APPLES members to attend to an event

4.15pm: Me and Yana waited for the bus to attend to an event at Menara (invitation from our dearest MPP, Farris)

4.45pm: arrived in UiTM, walked up to Menara just to see dancing, theater etc. etc.

5:00pm: Faliq sent me and Yana home

8: 30pm - 10pm : APPLES meetings 

10:35pm : currently updating my blog :D

10 until 12am : waiting for the big hour :D (hehehe)

Well, that pretty much it for today, tiring huh???

Well, I think I might just wanna wait a few hours before I go to sleep.. hehe

p/s: it's jubah day today, and most of the girls wore jubah today (imagine me walking from APB to Business school in jubah.. huhu)
all dressed in our jubah

That's all for today.

Rest well now, big day tomorrow.. weeeeeeeeeeeeee (finally going home)


An ordinary girl

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Presentation... Class... Test....

Full class today... a bit tired... even sacrifice lunch for a test as well...

IT WASN'T ACTUALLY A TEST... MORE LIKE A DISCUSSION (but it was fun though playing with colours)

Well, basically, the class begins with MGT417 where we discussed chapter 4 (in syllabus, but chapter 5 in the book) about data, databases, data warehouse, knowledge system, knowledge system management n more. Then, we had our first group presentation. Our group was named as Sunyo.

tadaaaaaaaa... hehe


we had our CTU class... the most informational class I could say for the time being because the lecturer not only talk about the subject, but also relates and bring in many general knowledge that we should've known such as the story of World War II etc.

Later in the evening... the most terrifying moment was the EPC541, the pragmatics class. It's the TEST day today, but............

it was more of a discussion doing the branches thingy and drawing.

Our 'neatest' yet 'greatest' masterpiece within less than 8 minutes and we're proud of it.
Well done guys !!!

Later at night, we had a small group tutoring for Dr. O's bonus mark assignment. And we did it!!!

Oh well... it's getting late.
Need beauty sleep now.

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bug bite ^___^

p/s : another whole day tomorrow before the big day come. huhu


An ordinary girl

Monday, 25 March 2013

Leisure in the end

Hi peeps... well, it's the start of week 4 already... and as always (like other weeks), the class start with MGT420, management class. It's interesting to know that in order to be a manager in an organization, you need to know the 4 roles of manager: planning, organizing, controlling and leading. And this week's focuses on organizing...

GOSHHHH, who says becoming a manager is easy?????

Well, the lecturer start off with a good start... n believe me, some started to fall out in the end...

Who say's theory is fun???? (not meeee...)

Well, that was the MGT420's class.. then we had at least 4 hours gap before the next class begins.. (as if,, hehe)

UNFORTUNATELY... (well fortunately I guess)

the EPC550 lecturer decided to drag the class during lunch hour because she had to attend some meeting at 2.. so for those who were outside waiting to have an awesome lunch (me, yaa,ema, mira, shiqin, ameen, n bobo) had to postpone it and return to UiTM as fast as a we could (well not exactly, hehe)

It was just an hour class before the lecturer leave the room. It was just a class to tell the students of the next assignment (the first one hasn't even been submitted yet.. huuu)

Oh well, not a harm to actually know that assignments are starting to making their way into my TO-DO list.

That's it... it was fun today, coz I get to hang out with a birthday girl..

P/s : happy birthday yaa. 


An ordinary girl.

Friday, 22 March 2013

All alone :(

OMG!!! I forgot to update my blog yesterday (an honest confession here). Oh well, I shall update it now.. hehe

Well, as everyone ( I think) heading their way back home yesterday, I was all alone in Shah Alam, (since Khadijah left me and will be back within 3 day).  I didn't know what to do.


I started to make the list of all the assignments that needed to be completed within this week (if possible within this long weekend, I hope). I started out reading my academic research article a bit for Dr.O's first assignments, then start designing for the Director presentation, and reading a bit from the Pragmatics book (preparation for Tuesday's test.. oh and also doing the assignment at the same time)

Later at night, I managed to get hold of an organizer for an event for my PRESS RELEASE assignment (feel like I'm a real journalist at that time) and managed to complete it by 12am last night. 

Well, at least I have done something yesterday, and hopefully to be continued today.

That's all for now.
Shall be back in 2 days.

p/s: really hope to complete all the assignments this weekend (except for Dr.O's since it's a group work. hehehe)


An ordinary girl

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A day with Pragmatics.. and blogging ^__^

Hey hey hey... 2nd day updating my blog... (this is soooooooooooooooo not me)

Well, today's entry is simply based on today's one and only class, EPC541: Pragmatics in Professional and Business Settings (professional???? business???) 



Pragmatics, that's what we, language students, have to know. In simpler words,  it is the study of an ambiguous meaning of the speaker's utterance.

well, there's 12 weeks to go to understand better... hehehe

OK, back to the class.. it supposedly started at 10am, unfortunately, our dear friend didn't convey the message that our beloved lecturer has already told that friend (who must not be named) that she will be late (which he... oppppsssss... also late hehehe)

Well, it was the final presentation of the main concept of pragmatics before we go off and start our first assignment which is the Summary of the Main Concepts of Pragmatics.


I guess that is it..

Oh yaaaa... and we have to submit our daily entry as well.. so we had to stay an hour at least to do so
(and we did, Dr.)

P/S: I have awesome group mates for my test on Tuesday... 



An ordinary girl

Why EPC?? What is EPC???

OMG!!! It's already the fourth semester?? Which means I only have two semesters left before I graduate...

Hi, my name is Siti Qurratuaini Mahadzir. Currently in 4th semester of LG220, English for Professional Communication. Well, for those who doesn't know what this course is all about, it is easier to be said as the study of Language or scientifically known as Linguistics. I'm majoring in English and minor in Business Management (which we have to take no matter what- no exception).

This program studies deeply into the wonders of English language such as Pragmatics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and so many more. It basically a program that prioritize English in many situation such as persuasion, negotiation, and many more.

Some may wonder, why do I take this course for my degree? Well, to be honest, I can't be bothered to count many number and memorize formulas...


I'm not a science person either.

So, I believe that with my choice of program for my degree is the path that will lead to a better future

P/s: My classmates are cool, awesome and supportive in many ways. And that is why I love this program and this course so much.

See how "hyperactive" we are...
Memory of Semester 2

Well, I guess that's just about it of my program...


An ordinary girl